A-Z Index

My Living Space

Residents are responsible for the proper care and use of their room or apartment and all furniture and appliances.


Curtains are allowed in resident rooms. Only hardware that does not damage the wall (i.e. holes for screws, etc.) is permitted. Tension rods are frequently used. No window coverings are provided in the Dieterich, Franken, or Millikan but are recommended.

If you remove the window coverings (mini blinds, where provided), you must re-hang them properly and in good condition prior to your check-out. The University will be responsible for the cleaning or replacement of the coverings after you vacate your room/ apartment.

Damages or Losses

Student Rooms

Residents of each room and apartment are responsible for keeping the premises and its contents in good order and free from damage both by themselves and their guests. Each resident understands and agrees that he/she is responsible for the replacement cost for any damages that may occur to the room and/or its contents.

Common Areas

All residents within the same community shall be jointly liable and responsible for the full cost of repair of damages to any common areas within the residence or community unless the individual who caused the damage can be identified. Excessive levels of damage or vandalism may result in disciplinary action which may include relocation or the termination of the housing contract without financial release.

Decorations & Wall Care

Lightweight pictures may be hung on walls with a small tacks, finishing nails, or a needle in the picture molding. Adhesive tape, picture hangers, or screws should not be used. Residents should not use Scotch tape or other adhesives on the walls, as these products leave marks, which can neither be removed nor covered with paint. Poster tack or 3M Command Strips are prohibited as they will damage walls.

Residents are not allowed to put holes in the wall (beyond what is mentioned above by tacks or finishing nails). Do not attempt to fill nail holes or patch nail holes. This leaves splotchy marks on the walls, which requires you to be charged for re-painting. The walls should be gently wiped with a damp cloth when necessary because of dirt or marks. Be careful to not wash off the paint.

Do not insert hooks in the ceiling or attach anything to doors, cupboards, or wood trim.

Entry into Room/Apartment by University Staff

The University reserves the right to inspect any unit when necessary. Residents shall permit University employees to enter their units in an emergency or at any reasonable time to inspect or conduct maintenance, redecorate or make alterations or additions if necessary. Entry is also permitted for actions necessary to maintain order and/or an appropriate living environment. The term ‘appropriate’ is a standard determined by the residence hall/apartment community or by the Residential Life staff. The privacy of the units will be respected by the University employees.

Rooms/Apartments may be entered to conduct general and safety inspections and to complete maintenance/maintenance repair services.

  • Your room/apartment may be inspected periodically for safety or apartment maintenance purposes. You will be notified at least 24 hours prior to the maintenance inspection. The reason for the inspection and/or the specific department property to be inspected will be listed on the notice.
  • Contents of wardrobes, desk or dresser drawers, trunks, luggage, etc., will not be inspected during an apartment maintenance inspection.
  • Illegal materials (e.g., drugs) or items that pose an immediate danger to the health or safety of residents (noticed in the course of an apartment maintenance inspection) will be communicated to the Residential Life staff to make arrangements for removal. You will receive written notification of this action immediately. Even though you may legally possess the item it will not be allowed in the apartment. The department has sole authority to determine whether materials or items constitute an immediate danger to residents.
  • With the exception of alcohol, illegal controlled substances, and weapons, prohibited items will not be removed if noticed during an room/apartment maintenance inspection. In the event of a confiscation, University Police will be called to collect the item.  Your room/apartment number will be recorded and referred to the Residential Life staff so appropriate follow up and removal can occur.

The department respects your desire for privacy within the realm of your room/apartment and will protect and help maintain this privacy. This policy is intended to define the conditions under which authorized personnel may enter your apartment. In the interest of maintaining an appropriate living-learning environment, which facilitates scholarship and provides for your health and safety, it is occasionally necessary for the department to exercise its contractual right to apartment entry. This policy is designed to permit the reasonable, restrained utilization of this contractual right by authorized staff members of the department without violating your fundamental privacy rights.

Forest Village Apartment Provided Appliances

The electric stove is provided and may not be substituted. For safety reasons, do not cover the burners or air vents at the rear of the stove or any other parts with aluminum foil. A violation of this policy may result in a fine being issued.

The refrigerator is provided and may not be substituted. Refrigerator bulbs are available at no cost by requesting at the Forest Village Community Building front desk. When you are away or moving, do not turn off the refrigerator.

If a breaker should trip off in the breaker (fuse) box, reduce electrical load requirements by unplugging some or all appliances. Let the breaker cool for five minutes, and be sure the breaker switch is in the complete OFF position before resetting. State law requires that this panel always remain accessible and not covered by shelving or anything else. Nails or screws must not be placed in this wall.

Holiday Decorations

If residents decorate their rooms or floors for the holidays, these guidelines must be followed:

  • All materials used (i.e., paper, foil, etc.) must be flame resistant.
  • Trees and other greenery must be artificial.
  • Lights must be UL-approved and of low wattage, only miniatures.
  • Fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguisher cabinets, smoke detectors and exit signs must not be covered and exits must not be blocked.
  • All decorations are to be removed within one week following the holiday or prior to the last day of the semester, whichever occurs first.
  • No candles, or any open flame, may be used in any floor or room decoration. 


It is the responsibility of all residents to keep their assigned living areas neat and free of any hazard to sanitation of congenial group living. An unclean room or assigned bathroom or misuse of furnishings may result in a fine and/or charge for maintenance service and disciplinary action.

Dishes and other personal items left in common areas (i.e., ironing rooms, bathrooms, etc.) will be considered abandoned property. Visit Student Belongings and review the Abandoned Items policy information.

Laundry Facilities

Washers and dryers are provided for residents' use in a designated area of each complex. Common courtesy should be used by all residents, since several hundred people share these machines. All washers and dryers are free of charge to residents only.  Neither the hall nor the University is responsible for damaged or lost items. If a machine is out of order, please report it to the main desk. Refunds or refund slips are also obtained from the main desk. Students caught tampering with the machines will be referred to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs for disciplinary action.

Laundry facilities in the Tower Suites are located on each floor. Only the residents of that floor should utilize the facilities. The laundry room is accessible only through a key fob which each resident of Tower Suites is issued. In addition, both washers and dryers in the Tower Suites are free of charge to residents. Residents who bring guests to use washers and dryers may be subject to disciplinary action. 


Room alterations such as bunk beds and lofts are permitted and must be approved by the Hall Director. All furniture must remain in the residents’ room. There is no storage available. If lofts are built, the bed springs should be incorporated into the loft and the bed ends must be stored in the room.

  • Outside lofts are only permitted in Dieterich, Franken and Millikan Halls.  Hudson-Perrin, Roberta, South Complex, and Tower Suites beds come with bunking and/or loft kits. Outside lofts are not permitted in these areas.
  • Lofts must be free standing.
  • Two feet minimum clearance from the top of the mattress to the ceiling.
  • Must not be placed in front of the door, windows or heater.
  • All lofts and bunk beds must be dismantled and removed prior to the beginning of finals week of the Spring Semester or at the time when one of the residents vacates the room.
  • Holes should not be drilled or hammered in the walls. Any other room alteration must have prior approval of the Hall/Complex Director. 

Students who wish to construct their own lofts can download Loft Construction Guidelines here.

Maintenance/Repair Requests

All replacements and repairs are to be made by the University employees only. Those repairs necessary because of abuse, carelessness, negligence, or alterations by the resident will be charged to the resident.

Maintenance requests or other room concerns (e.g., broken heater, problem with the lock, bugs) should be reported to the residence hall, Station, or FVA front desk in a timely manner. For emergency repairs, please contact a member of the hall staff. If repairs are not completed to your satisfaction (within two weeks for regular repairs or within two days for emergencies), notify your Hall Director or the Residential Life office at 660.562.1214 or  It will be helpful if you report maintenance problems early and with as much detail as possible.

This request gives Environmental Services authorization to enter your room/apartment.  See “Entry to Into Room/Apartment” section for more information about staff entry into private living spaces.

If the problem is severe (such as a door cannot be locked, an overflowing sink or other damaging/potentially unsafe condition) and it is an evening or weekend, contact the RA/SA on duty or University Police immediately.

FVA: Utility/Furnace Closets

Utility/furnace closets are located in each apartment. Do not block these doors. Occasionally, it is necessary for University staff to go into these closets to service the furnace or hot water heater at unpredictable times, and the University will not accept responsibility for damages to your personal property if they have to move anything to access these utility closets.

Pest Extermination

All apartment buildings are treated by exterminators on a monthly basis, but do not enter student living units.  Living units are treated twice yearly.

If you see pests, please report it immediately to your front desk. Do not wait until you have seen several. We can better serve your needs if you report pests the FIRST time you see one! During regular treatment you will need to make some preparations to help us keep the treatments effective and safe.

Public Areas

Public lounges, walkways, and stairwells should remain clear of obstructions for the safety and security of all residents and guests. Additionally, conduct in public areas should be appropriate and consistent with the philosophy of the living-learning community. 


There are many different types of residential restroom facilities and each come with their own specific expectations. Please review the information below carefully for any areas in which you will be spending time. If you have any questions, please ask a staff member in your building for clarification.

  • Apartment & Suite BathroomsFVA, Tower Suites East & West, Roberta, & South Complex Lofts: these restrooms are considered private restrooms and may be used by anyone at the discretion of all residents of the space. Cleaning and maintaining these facilities are the responsibility of the residents of the space.
  • Traditional Community BathroomsMillikan, Dieterich, & Franken: These are community restrooms and are for use by members of their communities only.  These facilities will be cleaned regularly by Northwest staff and will be closed during cleaning. Residents may not enter a restroom that is closed for cleaning. Large public-use trash bins will not be provided in these spaces to prevent misuse and trash accumulation.
  • Pod BathroomsHudson, Perrin, & South Complex: Access to these restrooms is given only to residents who have been assigned to these pod communities. These are considered semi-private community restrooms and are for use by members of the pod communities only.   These facilities will be cleaned periodically by Northwest staff and will be closed during cleaning. Residents may not enter a restroom that is closed for cleaning. Community residents are expected to assist with cleaning these restrooms in between staff cleanings and pod communities will develop a cleaning plan at the beginning of each semester.

South Complex, Roberta Hall and Tower Suites have restrooms that are cleaned by the residents. Custodial will deep clean each restroom on a rotating basis approximately every 4 to 6 weeks in South Complex and Tower Suites. The restrooms in Roberta are the sole responsibility of the residents. Custodial will deep clean the restrooms only in the event of a completely vacant suite.

Residents of South Complex, Roberta, and Tower Suites will be provided toilet paper for their restroom. Residents can pick up toilet paper at their front desk

Room Alterations

Painting & Wallpaper

Painting and wallpapering (borders included) is strictly prohibited. Painting is done on a rotating basis by University coordinated painters using only University approved paint.   Adhesive contact paper should not be used on shelves. Nonstick shelving paper is acceptable. Bathtub decals are not permitted.


Residents agree to make no changes, alterations, or additions in or to the premises of the University housing.  As a safety precaution, the following guidelines for apartment modifications must be followed:

  1. No university-owned furniture or equipment may be removed from the room/apartment.
  2. Removal of University permanently affixed furniture is prohibited (i.e. closets, shelving) and the permanent installation of items (i.e. shelving) is prohibited.
  3. All modifications must be free-standing (not fastened to walls or ceiling or resting on University furnishings).
  4. The modification must not restrict exiting from any portion of the room/apartment or be a safety hazard to persons walking around the room/apartment.
  5. The modification must not include any materials or designs of a hazardous or flammable nature, including suspended flammable fabrics, carpeting applied anywhere except as a floor covering and flammable plastics such as Styrofoam.
  6. Modifications must not block the heating or cooling system or require the removal or remodeling of electrical fixtures or outlets.
  7. Modifications must not block a doorway. The door must be able to open perpendicular to the door opening.

Trash/Recycling Removal

We want to keep our community looking its best so we request that you help us by placing your trash and recycling in the proper locations. Do not place trash in other areas of the building (i.e. restrooms, lounges, hallways, outside, etc.) Residents are responsible for taking their trash and recyclables to the receptacles outside of their buildings. Residents are also responsible for keeping the inside of the building, lawn, and sidewalks free from litter at all times. Residents who choose to dispose of their trash and recycling improperly will be subject to fines and possible disciplinary action.

There is a designated “dumpster” area outside of each building where you are to take your trash and recycling. Do not place large items in or around the dumpsters. See a Student Assistant for details. The small trash cans outside are for small pieces of trash such as candy wrappers, pop cups, sticks, etc., not for removal of trash from your room or apartment.

Use of University Property

Items belonging to the University (i.e., couches, lounge chairs, lamps, outdoor furniture, hall decorations, policy signs, and pictures, etc.) are not allowed in resident rooms. University property other than furnishings assigned to the resident's room/apartment will be removed, and students will be referred for disciplinary action. 

Windows/Window Screens

Screens are not to be removed. Removal or damage to a room screen is subject to a minimum $25 fine in addition to the costs associated with rectifying the problem. Anyone entering or exiting a building via a window or found throwing an article out of a window is subject to a minimum $50 fine.